

Ahoy there - and welcome to The Cloud Pirate!

The Cloud Pirate is an AI-backed cloud community content aggregator, which ingests over 100+ sources of cloud community content, from blog posts to YouTube and podcast releases.

Running periodically, the aggregator checks through our list of content sources, looking for new posts. When a new post it found, it is both summarised and tagged using the Azure Open AI Service. The post summary, along with links to its source and credits to the author, is then published to multiple social media platforms (see below).

Oh, and the AI uses a pirate persona - because, well.... why not?!

The main place to check out The Cloud Pirate in on our LinkedIn page, where you can also subscribe to our Newsletter.

In addition to LinkedIn, we also publish to Mastodon and Bluesky.

The purpose of this website is to host The Cloud Pirate - Weekly Haul newsletter (to which you can sign up here.)

You can use the search feature of this website to look for keywords and phrases, the results of which will return any applicable newsletter containing your criteria.


If you'd like to get involved, please check out our Sign Up page.

The Cloud Pirate is a personal project of Daniel McLoughlin, a Microsoft Azure MVP from the UK. You can find him on LinkedIn and X (Twitter). Daniel's personal website can be found here.


Feel free to reach out to him.